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Here you will find brewing guides that will help you create the perfect brew method for your favourite coffee, and provide recipes that are easy to follow. 


We know how important it is to find the perfect brew for you. That's why we've included a range of recipes to assist you in finding your perfect flavour, with a brewer that you have. However, we are always trying to push the envelope, and in true Aviators spirit, so should you. That way you'll get the most out of your coffee and get to explore the flavours that coffee can offer.


Remember, these are guidelines for you to adapt, so do it



Top Gun Inverted scene



DESCRIPTION: Simply the best in immersion brewing (personal opinion). And the inverted AeroPress method is widely regarded as the go to method even though its not what the designer originally had in mind.


COFFEE GRIND: Medium - if using filter paper

Medium-coarse - If using a steel filter disk (regular)




RATIO: 1:15.5


QUANTITY: 13.5g of coffee to 210g of water


TOTAL TIME: 2 minutes 15 seconds


ADVICE: Some things to keep in mind.

- A light roast will need a longer extraction time than a medium roast.

- The coarser the grind, the longer your extraction time will need to be.

- This is a risky method, make sure you don't burn yourself when turning the brewer.



1. Pre heat your brewer.


2. Rinse the paper filter over your cup. This also pre heats your cup. Make sure to discard the water in your cup before step 7.


3. Dose the coffee into the Aeropress chamber and level the bed using any method you like.


4. Add enough water to just cover the coffee grounds and stir using the Aeropress paddle.


5. Start the timer 


6. Then add the rest of the water at a constant pour and cap your Aeropress.


7. At about 1min 20 seconds, flip the Aeropress onto your cup, and give it 10 seconds before step 8.


8. Press down on the plunger slowly to make your entire press take about 30 seconds.




DESCRIPTION: This is the world wide standard method of brewing an Aeropress and how it is meant to be used.






RATIO: 1:14.5


QUANTITY: 14.5g of coffee to 210g of water


TOTAL TIME: 1 minute 50 seconds




1. Pre heat your brewer


2. Rinse the paper filter over your cup. This also pre heats your cup. then discard the water.


3. Cap the Aeropress chamber and place it on your cup.


4. Dose the coffee into the Aeropress chamber and level the bed using any method you like.


5. Start the timer as you add a third of your water. Stir 3 times using the Aeropress paddle and don't worry about nicking your filter paper with the paddle, it's not possible.


6. Add the rest of your water and give it one last stir before placing the plunger on the end of the chamber. Wait until your timer reaches 1 minute and stir again.


7. Insert the plunger and plunge for 30s.

Pour Over

Having a basic understanding of this method will help you to maximise the quality of your end product. Now, there are a few variables when it comes to pour over coffee and the equipment used to make them. As with anything, practice makes perfect, but with coffee the quality of your equipment does play a part. Particularly your grinder. A consistent grind will do wonders for your coffee experience, so if you are able, make the investment into a decent burr grinder.


The three phases of brewing a pour over.


1.  The Bloom or Pre Pour

The "Bloom" is when you pour just enough water to make sure that all the ground coffee is wet. This releases carbon-dioxide from the roasted bean and allows for better extraction. 


2. The Extraction or Pour

The Extraction phase is really where the flavours of your coffee will start to develop. Having a good extraction depends on factors like time and temperature, as the different chemicals in coffee will be extracted at different times. This allows you to customise your cup profile according to your own taste preference.


3. The Draw Down

Very simple, but some things to keep in mind. A fast draw down may leave you with under extracted coffee (Grind size may be too coarse). A draw down that is too slow will result in a more bitter coffee. What you want is a nice sweet spot where your draw down is at a consistent pace throughout and a flat bed of coffee grounds after the draw down is complete. This will indicate an even draw down and give you the best results.



COFFEE GRIND: Just a little on the fine side of Medium.




QUANTITY: 32g of coffee for 500g of water


(because maybe you like to share your coffee, or, if you are like me and just drink copious amounts of coffee)


TOTAL TIME: 3 min 30 seconds 



Drip Coffee



1. Place the brewer with the filter paper over your cup and wet the filter with hot water. Now you'll have a rinsed out filter paper and a pre heated cup.

(make sure you discard the water before starting you brew)


2. Place your ground coffee into centre of the brewer and create a small depression in the middle of the coffee.


3. The blooming phase: Start the timer and pour about 20-25% of your water over the ground coffee, making sure it is all wet without using to much water. Then give it a nice little swirl until it's evenly mixed. The bloom should last about 40 seconds.


4. The extraction phase: Gently pour water until you reach about 65% of your brew weight or as much as your brewer allows in cases where you have a smaller brewer. For even extraction, it's important to try and keep your water level consistent until you reach the total brew weight. So if your brewer does get full before you reach the 65% target, just slowly maintain that level.


5. After reaching your total brew weight, take a spoon and gently stir in a zig zag motion.


6. The draw down phase. The result we are looking for here is a flat bed of coffee after the draw down is complete. T0 do that let about 30% of your brew filter trough and then give the brewer one gentle swirl. Let the rest of your brew filter through and there you have it. 


French press Coffee maker and ACC coffee cup



DESCRIPTION: The one that requires some patience and fresh coffee.


COFFEE GRIND: Medium Coarse 




RATIO: 1:14.28


QUANTITY: 35g of coffee for 500g of water


TOTAL TIME: 5 minutes





1. Use hot water to preheat and rinse your brewer.


2. Add the ground coffee and pour all your water in. You should see most of your grinds float at the top.


3. As the coffee is steeping, you'll notice that the grinds are starting to sink. At about 3 minutes give it a little stir.


4. Then scoop the remaining foam and particles off the top and insert the plunger at the top of the brewer. Do not press down yet.


5. Wait for it..... Wait for it...... 


6. Time check...... 4min 30 seconds


7. Now press down slowly to just above the sediment at the bottom of the brewer so that you don't disturb it. Think of the plunger as more of a strainer than a filter. Pour and enjoy.

French Press
Espresso coffee



Description: The base ingredient for most of the coffee that you'll find in a cafe. Before reading the information below it is important to note that to make a good espresso will require a dialling in process. There are just so many variables to consider and that makes it difficult to give a cookie cutter method. First off, every machine is different and will perform different. Same goes for the coffee you use, the dose, the water temperature, pressure, how you prepare the puck, and the quality of your grind. Take the time to dial in your preferred espresso and enjoy the process. That being said, we are not planning on leaving you high and dry. Start with the advice below and take it from there.




Dose: All depends on your basket. We use a 18g basket so the dose will be 18g.




RATIO: 1:2


QUANTITY: 18g of coffee for 32g of water


INFUSION TIME: 30 seconds



“When everything seems to be against you, remember that an airplane takes-off against the wind, not with it.”

- Henry Ford.

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